
Charta der Vielfalt- ACM as a signee

24. October 2016 – The Diversity Charter is a corporate initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions.

The initiative aims to promote the recognition, appreciation and integration of diversity within the corporate culture in Germany and since October 2015 ACM is also listed.Under “Signatories” the Aircraft Cabin Modification is listed on the official website of the Charter. Angela Merkel and Aydan Özoğuz, the Federal Government Commissioner for migration, refugees and integration, are patrons of the Charter. More than 2,200 companies and public institutions have already signed the Charter and it is continuously increasing.

The signing and implementation of the „Charter of Diversity“ for ACM  has the main purpose that employees feel valued – regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity. Besides signalising an open corporate culture, ACM will underline these values in different actions.

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